Methods of dredging sewer
1. Water pressure dredging method was used
扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训一端紧套在水龙头上,另一端插到水池的堵塞处,用布绕在橡皮管外,塞紧水池的下水口(不过小编我省去了这个环节,让脏物反冒上来,说不定也会通),打开水龙头并拧至最大,水的压力足以将堵塞物冲走。我曾试过,效果很好。当然,如果你是掉入较大东西堵塞就没办法了。祝你成功!
Take a water pipe whose diameter is smaller than that of the sewer. One end of the pipe is tightly connected to the faucet, and the other end is inserted into the blockage of the pool. Wrap a cloth around the rubber pipe and plug the water outlet of the pool (but I don't need this link to let the dirt come up, maybe it will pass). Turn on the faucet and screw it to the maximum. The water pressure is enough to wash away the blockage. I tried it and it worked. Of course, if you fall into something bigger, you can't help it. wish you success!
2. Soda and vinegar dredging method:
First, pour half a cup of soda into the sewer, and then half a cup of vinegar. After the soda reacts with the acid in the vinegar, the sticky things in the pipe can be removed.