Installation of air duct and components
The detachable interface and regulating valve of air duct and
accessories shall not be installed in the wall or floor. Before the
installation of air duct and accessories, the internal and external
sundries and dirt shall be removed and kept clean.
泥杆 保定空压机 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊设备 托辊生产线控机构处。吊架不宜直接固定在法兰片上。
The horizontal and vertical air ducts installed against walls or columns
should adopt cantilever supports or diagonal bracing supports. The
horizontal air duct not installed against the wall and column should use
the bottom hanger, the vertical air duct should use the hoop support,
and the air duct b > 800mm should be added with double nuts. The anti
sway support shall be set at the corner, top and end. The support shall
not be set at the air outlet, valve, inspection hole and automatic
control mechanism. The hanger shall not be directly fixed on the flange.
The hoop support of rectangular air duct shall be close to the air duct.
For thermal insulation air duct, wood block air duct hanger with
insulation thickness soaked in asphalt shall be straight, the thread
shall be smooth and clean, and the suspender can be spliced by welding.
The length shall not be less than six times the diameter of the
suspender, and shall be welded on both sides