Composition of kitchen smoke exhaust system.
The smoke exhaust system of the kitchen is mainly composed of a smoke
collecting hood, smoke exhaust pipes, oil fume purifiers, smoke exhaust
fans (including *) and an integral air make-up device of the kitchen.
The type and operation mode of lampblack purifier can be selected
according to the actual situation. Before installing the lampblack
purifier, the actual operating parameters of each part of the smoke
exhaust system, including operating resistance and exhaust air volume,
shall be checked.
If it is a new project, the impact on the exhaust system after
installing the lampblack purifier shall be fully considered in the
design; If it is a reconstruction project, the exhaust system needs to
be recalculated when installing the lampblack purifier. If necessary,
the smoke collecting hood, smoke exhaust pipe and kitchen integral air
supplement device should be reconstructed and the smoke exhaust fan
should be replaced.
2. Determination of kitchen lampblack exhaust volume.
曲阳雕刻 水刀切割机 pvc软管 手套生产设备 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 果树反光膜际设计时排烟风量要求严格按照排风罩的吸入风速计算,罩口的吸入风速通常不低于0.5m/s。
In order to ensure the purification effect, the smoke exhaust air volume
is required to be calculated in strict accordance with the suction air
speed of the exhaust hood in the actual design, and the suction air
speed at the hood opening is generally not less than 0.5m/s